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Helping people buy their homes and save for the future for over 150 years
The Loughborough has moved into our new head office Find out more

Services and Support

Loughborough Carillon in Springtime

Annual General Meeting 2024

View our AGM voting results and responses to the most commonly asked questions here.

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Loughborough Building Society New Head Office

Loughborough Building Society’s Head Office has now Moved.

We've now moved to our new Head Office in Loughborough town centre.

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Cherry Blossom Tree

Hi Society Bulletin Spring 2024

The Spring 2024 edition of our Hi Society member bulletin.

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Couple eating breakfast

Loughborough Building Society partners with Smart Money People

We've partnered with Smart Money People to help ensure that you, our members are receiving the best possible outcomes.

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Lock and key on keyboard

Protecting yourself and your personal data

Useful information and advice to help you protect yourself and your personal data

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FairLife logo

Loughborough Building Society awarded the Fairlife Mark

We've been awarded the FairLife Mark for our mortgage and savings products

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Frustrated couple looking at finances

Mortgage Charter – Concerns about meeting your Mortgage costs

Advice and support for those who are concerned about paying their mortgage

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Couple celebrating moving into new house

Mortgage FAQs

Your mortgage questions answered

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Young woman with a hot drink looking outside

Savings FAQs

Your savings questions answered

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