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Mortgage Charter – Concerns about meeting your Mortgage costs

We’re pleased to confirm that we’re supporting the new Mortgage Charter which was agreed with the government on 26 June to support homeowners who are concerned about paying their mortgage.

The Mortgage Charter is designed to give confidence to people worried about meeting their mortgage payments that real help is at hand. Society members worried about their ability to pay their mortgage should not wait. We appreciate it’s a worrying time and we want to support our members.

If you’re concerned about making your mortgage payment now or feel you might have some difficulty in the future, talk to us as soon as possible on 01509 631952 or email us at [email protected] we’re here to help.  Our experienced team can offer practical, tailored support and will provide a safe space for a confidential, non-judgmental conversation. Speaking to us will have no impact on your credit rating and it will not appear on your credit report.

What could The Loughborough do?

We may be able to;

•             Arrange a temporary payment plan with you*  

•             Change the way you make your payments, or the date you make them.

•             Allow you to pay back your mortgage over a longer period of time* (which would reduce your monthly payments).

•             Change the repayment method of your mortgage*.

•             Switch your mortgage product*.

•             Defer your monthly mortgage payment* (take a payment holiday).

•             A combination of any of the above*.

(* depending on your current and future circumstances.)

We also have a guide for people having problems paying their mortgage that contains a lot of information about how your lender can help and organisations who can support you. 

You can also get free, confidential, and impartial advice regarding managing your finances in uncertain times, financial scams, or dealing with debt from or calling 08000 113797 or at

Money Helper also has handy information that can help you prepare for a rise in interest rates

Within the support centre of our website you’ll find other articles to support you including and .