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How to Vote

The Notice of Annual General Meeting is included within the Business Review (see Information for Members).  This provides details of the resolutions on which you are invited to vote. 

We would prefer you to use the online or postal voting options. However, if this is not possible ballot boxes will be available in our branches and agency.  

You can vote:

  • By post
    Use the pre-paid envelope provided in your postal voting pack
  • In Person
    Join us at the AGM which starts at 10.30am on Monday 26 February 2024 at The Council Chamber, Loughborough Town Hall, Market Place, Loughborough LE11 3EB.

Votes must be received by Wednesday 21 February 2024 in order to be counted, unless you are attending the AGM in person.  The voting results will be published as usual on our website in the early part of March 2024.

This year’s AGM is supporting FareShare a food redistribution charity.  The Society will donate £1 to the charity for every vote cast online or in person at the AGM, and 30p for votes received by post or in branch and agency.